Sunday, June 30, 2013

Forestville Mystery Cave State Park Camping. #2

The bridge to Historic Forestville

The first interpreter giving us the history of the town

Heading into the General Store

Parlor inside the house

Inside the kitchen of the house

Friday, June 28, 2013

Camping at Forestville Mystery Cave State Park #1

My dining room before we left

Trying to figure out the detour

Trying to figure out the water spigot

Rearranging the campsite for feng shui style for Jennifer

Resting. They unloaded the stack of wood behind them.

Huge North American Millipede

One of our sites. 

Checking out the Root River. This is the only time we saw it clear and gorgeous. The next few days it was swift and muddy due to all the rain.

I am still trying to identify this guy.


Campfire pizza for dinner on the first night.

It was really good!

Mehndi by Maggie B

Frog and toad program put on by the park

Holding frogs and toads

Walking back to our campsite

It rained in the night. A couple of terrific thunderstorms. We all stayed dry, but didn't get much sleep. We needed coffee in the morning!


Crescent dough with cinnamon maple sprinkle, apples, sausages, oatmeal, toast, banana boats.

Banana boat